Thursday, June 27, 2013

Gospel Lived Out

Nate and I have now been in NYC for two whole days.  Two whole days that seem like four years.  Not to mention the five days that it took to get us here that seemed like an eternity.  The truth of all is that God is in perfect control of all that we have done and all of what we will do.

I'm pressed for time to write this blog post so I cannot begin to express all that I want to or include some of the great pictures that I have taken so far of what we have been up to in the city.

What I want to express is the beauty of what has been happening.  From every revolution of the bicycle wheels and every mile I drove in my car, we have been living out the Gospel and that is what each and everyone of us has been called to do.

Creation: This was when God created the heavens and the earth and everything was perfect.  On our way to NYC I experienced God's Creation in a new way as we traveled on the road less traveled and took back roads and paths to end here.  God's intention for Creation is beautiful and to see and experience even a fraction of that beauty is breathtaking.  While waiting on Nate in Maryland I wrote in my journal, "The beauty of the landscape makes it look like poverty had never touched it."  It gave me a taste of pure.  It gave me a taste of God's Creation in a new way and was beautiful.

Fall:  This was when man sinned against God and calamity and oppression entered the world.  Creation was defiled.  Our travels and God's hand has led us to NYC and oppression and calamity is visible.  Yes graffiti and broken buildings are terrible but it is in no comparison to the brokenness of the people.  People are what truly matter and can experience God's love.  We are living in the shadow of the Fall but there is light in Jesus and what He has done for each and every one of us.

Redemption:  Nate and I are working at the Bowery which is a six-month to a year Christian-based program for men to get back on their feet, to turn from their way and run towards the Lord.  It provides basic needs to the men that enter the program, "the Students", but the Bowery also meets the needs of everyone outside, "the Community".  Nate and I have been working the front desk and have been the bridge between everyone.  Firsthand, we have seen men enter the program and have heard their stories of how they have met Jesus and been redeemed of their old ways and have received new life and love.  In no way has it been easy for any of them but it is beautiful and it is love and it is the Gospel.

Renewal:  This is the most beautiful part of the Gospel, this is the process of sanctification and the process in which we are each becoming more and more like Christ.  Since, I am in this process myself I definitely can identify with how I have seen it being played out in our short time at the Bowery.  The stories of each and every person who has entered the program and received Christ and where they are with the Lord now is the Gospel in its purest and most raw form and the Spirit of the Lord shines in the face of each man in their renewal.  Renewal also leads to giving back and living out the Gospel.  Its what the staff here does daily and it is what Nate and I are doing and want to do with our lives.  We didn't choose ministry, God has chosen us.

True beauty isn't from the success stories of the homeless, it's from their stories of renewal and the way that Jesus Christ has washed them clean and set them free and that is the most beautiful part of each and every Christian's story.

I wish I had more time to write and post pictures but the computer lab is about to have a class.  For the next couple of days, Nate and I will be working at MontLawn City Camp in the kitchen where we are needed and then will be back at the Bowery.  Please keep praying!  I love you all and the support and way the Body of Christ has formed around Nate and I has been amazing.

Big shout-outs to Susan Andrews & Rev. Rick, Josh Lowe & family, and Justin Graves & family for letting us stay with you on our journey and helping us be the hands and feet of Jesus!

"True beauty is from our renewal in Jesus and what we do with the Gospel."

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