Friday, May 31, 2013

NYC Summer 2013 Support Letter!

Dear Friends and Family,

A few weeks ago, I finished my second year at James Madison University and time is flying by.  As many of you know, I was blessed with the opportunity to go on a mission trip to New York City with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship this past Spring Break.  Today I am writing to tell you of an opportunity that God has blessed me with for the summer.

On June 20th, 2013, one of my best friends, Nate Smith, and I will be leaving Northern Virginia and bicycling to New York City to share the Gospel in the City and throughout the entire journey.  We are planning on bicycling to the City and camping along the way and when we reach the City we will then stay in the same building that we stayed with NYCUP in during Spring Break.  In NYC, we will be working with homeless people by feeding them, giving haircuts, and sharing the Gospel with them.

Nate and I aren’t going on this trip through a particular organization or with a specific timetable.   This trip is completely dependent on our willingness to listen to the Holy Spirit and follow Him.

I want to tell you about the trip for a couple of reasons.  My biggest reason is that you are a part of my support network.  The only reason I have been able to do some of the most rewarding things I have in the past four years is by your willingness to pray for and support me.  This trip is going to be physically as well as spiritually challenging and I need your prayers in preparation and for my heart to be softened towards NYC.  Please pray for me, I need it.

Since Nate and I are not going on this trip through a specific organization, the cost is significantly low.  However, we still need financial help to supplement our journey.  This will help us with food for the trip, emergency bike supplies, and two one-week subway tickets when we arrive in the City.  My goal is to raise $500 for this trip.  Being close to departure, I know raising this amount will be difficult but seeing God’s provision in the past, I know He will do it again.  Whatever money is leftover at the end of the trip will be donated towards New York City Urban Project (NYCUP) who we are being 
                                                                                      housed by in NYC and worked with during Spring Break.

Any and all help for this journey will be greatly cherished and appreciated.  It’s so meaningful to have the amazing support network of friends and family that I have and the way you have blessed me over the years is incredible.   If you wish to give monetarily please make out and mail checks to:

Eric Kennedy
562 S. High Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801                                                  

Please call, e-mail, or text me with any questions, concerns, encouragement, and love!

With all His Love, EK

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